Celebrating 30 Years
MSI - Mario Schwarzenberg Insurance Services Inc.

Insurance Q&A

Insurance Q&A will help you with your insurance questions.  Making insurance easier to understand, can avoid unnecessary stress and worries.

Q.  What kind of insurance should I have?
A.  Depending on your needs, you might choose to have different insurance at different stage of your life.  Life insurance is the most commonly used if you have depended children and/or mortgage. You can have term insurance, permanent insurance or combination. (different types of insurance) . Critical illness insurance is also very popular. It pays a lump sum of money if you’re diagnosed with covered condition (critical illness insurance). If you’re self-employed and not covered by WSIB and EI, you should also consider disability insurance that will replace your income if you can not work because of an accident or illness.  Dental medical insurance can also offer more cost-effective way to pay for dentist, prescription drugs and paramedical services.

Q.  How much life insurance should I buy?
A.  The amount of life insurance you need will depend on many variables: number and age of your children, amount of mortgage, line of credit and other debts and size of your estate.

Q.  How do I keep track of all my insurance?
A.  Over the years, we accumulate a lot of items and information.  Keeping everything organized, makes it much easier for us and insurance is no exception. You can use “Your Insurance Summary Form” to keep track of all your insurance, making sure all information is in one place and easily available.

If you did not find the answer to your question, please contact us and we will be happy to be of assistance.


MSI - Mario Schwarzenberg Insurance Services Inc. As a broker with 29 years of experience in selling insurance, paying claims and access to all major insurance companies, I can offer a variety of plans at the most competitive rates. Mario Schwarzenberg - Owner/Broker "Thinking insurance ... think Mario" "ZOOMwithMario insurance review" "Your Insurance Man in the Pink Shirt" www.MarioInsurance.com/Services Life insurance, Critical Illness, Mortgage Insurance, Disability Insurance, Dental Medical, Buy-Sell, Key Person, Partners Insurance